Great small group leaders are guides, not gurus.

The truth is you don’t have to be perfect in order to be effective. You certainly don’t need to be perfect in order to be a great small group leader. The best small group leaders are actually far from perfect, but they do share some traits in common that you can easily add to your own life.

Gurus can actually monopolize conversations, making the focus shift from what is important ..“God” … to all about them, and their knowledge of Him- Quite ironic- huh?
This actually isn’t always the best scenario for a small group. Successful small groups allow everyone to feel comfortable to share and talk about the Lord- not just “the leader”.

While starting out as a small group leader can be daunting; most of our anxiety comes from thinking we have to be perfect “spiritual” gurus. Once we realize that we are guides, the anxiety to be perfect starts to slip away.
When we prepare well, we will build our confidence. Shifting our role from “teacher” to “member of the community” helps to remove the self-imposed performance pressure.

You really can do this!  You can lead a small group.

Join today- in caring for others in the body of Christ.


Click on Zoom link to join

Friday Night Jan 19th  7PM -7:30 PM

Saturday Afternoon 2 PM – 2:30 PM

Paula Gould is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Click on link below to join call

Small Group Leader Enrichment & Training Zoom Call

Meeting ID: 737 6244 5708

Passcode: Gr2PS4